The Friends would like to invite members of the History Group and a friend to a World Cafe Event to have their say on 'Planning the Future: Castle Green in the 21st Century'. They hope to bring together a good cross section of people to facilitate a discussion on what people want to happen to the area and how we go about achieving these objectives.
There will be a series of events throughout the year, and there are currently spaces on the evenings of 8th March and 22nd March. The evening will begin at 7.30pm at The Pavilion on Castle Green with food provided, but please bring your own drinks.
The Friends are limited on numbers so if interested you need to RSVP using the attached form as soon as possible and no later than 24th February. The only stipulation is an open mind and plenty of ideas!
For more information contact: -
Katie Bott
Operations Manager
Friends of Castle Green
07939 261640
[email protected]

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